Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen
Simulation Science Center Clausthal / Göttingen (SWZ) is a common interdisciplinary research facility in simulation science of Clausthal University of Technology and University of Göttingen.
The core research areas of the SWZ are on developments in mathematical modeling and simulation techniques as well as general simulation methodology and its real world applications such as simulation and optimization of networks, material simulation, distributed simulation, etc. which requires to develop techniques of modeling, analysis, and design for the particular system that are relevant to that specific discipline.

Research at the Simulation Science Center is structured into the following three project areas:
- Simulation and optimization of networks
- Simulation of Materials und Fluids
- Simulation of socio-technical systems

The institutes involved in SWZ in Clausthal and Göttingen offer numerous courses on the topic of "Simulation". Furthermore, SWZ organizes the annual "International Teaching Staff Week" as well as the colloquium series "Ringvorlesung Simulationswissenschaften".

International Workshop on Simulation Science
SWZ is co-host of the Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science.